Four year ago today I married my best friend! Jon is the best husband anyone could ask for. Little did he know when we said our vows four years ago how God would test our commitment. We have been through rich and poor, sickness and health, a terrible car accident, and an emergency c-section. Through the good and bad Jon has repeatedly shown his commitment to our marriage and our family. I am extremely thankful God made me to be Jon's wife and helpmeet.
Jon is a wonderful husband! Therefore, I thought I would make a top ten list of what I love about him. Granted there are way more than ten things I love about my husband but I would never be able to fit them all into one blog post. So without further ado...
Top Ten Things I Love About My Husband
- He is truly a spiritual head of our family. One of the first things that attracted me to Jon was his love for God. We met at a Bible College so I knew he was a Christian but he had an extraordinary knowledge of the Bible. I loved listening to him in class talking about theology or a particular passage in the Bible. I remember thinking to myself I would like to marry a guy like that one day. He takes the time to encourage me in my faith. He makes sure we go to fellowship. He teaches our boys about God's love for them. He leads us in prayer around the dinner table and initiates prayer with me as husband and wife.
- He is a great father! Our boys are so blessed to call him Daddy. He not only plays with them, he changes diapers, feeds them, disciplines them, and reads books to them. I know a lot of dads these days are like sitcom dads. They are self-centered and just plain dumb. Jon is none of those things. He is involved and loves our children dearly.
- He is my best friend! We have a lot of the same interests and we find humor in the same things. We both love to go to McKays (a used book store) and Starbucks. If I could pick any one to be on a deserted island with it would most definitely be my husband!
- He is tall, dark, and handsome!
- His willingness to work a terrible job to take care of our family. Right now his temp job is hard and tedious. Yet he goes to work everyday so he can provide for our family.
- His love of my cooking. Okay, let me explain. I feel so valued and loved when he gets excited about something I'm making. I love to see his face light up when I tell him I made his favorite meal, baked a favorite dessert, or even made some sweet tea. His excitement brings me great joy.
- He loves to read. When I broke up with my high school sweetheart I told my mother that I wanted to be with a guy that loved to read. I remember her telling me that I might need to lower my standards. But God was already at work. He gave me a man that loves to read.
- His support in our homeschooling plans. Both of us went to public school. So when I told him about my conviction to homeschool our children he could have said what's the point? Instead he listened to me, prayed, and supported my conviction. Even more, he wants to help teach our children!
- His strength and integrity. We have been through many trials in four short years but not once has Jon shown signs of weakness. He has made the hard decisions and been faithful to our God. I am grateful God gave me a strong leader.
- And finally, for this list anyways, I love his laugh. Things could seem hopeless but his laugh will brighten my day. He has a great sense of humor and loves to make others laugh. I think that is one of his spiritual gifts. He can cheer people up with a simple joke.
- Jon, I am so happy to be your wife. These four years have been tough but at the same time wonderful because I have been with you. I am so blessed to be able to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you!
"The man said, 'This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman,' for she was taken out of man.' That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh." ~ Genesis 2:23-24